
Saturday, April 18, 2020

God Speaks. How do we know what He says is true?

In my last blog post, I mentioned going a little more in depth with the resurrection part of Holy Week. Thinking of the title of this blog, resurrection is the answer to the question. We know what God says is true because of the resurrection of Jesus. We know that Christianity is true because of the resurrection. This is also what separates Christianity from the other popular world religions.

Some time ago I did very brief research on several of the world's most popular religions. There are two significant distinctions between Christianity and the other religions. Let me first clarify what is meant by Christianity. Christianity is belief that Jesus is God's Son; that He was born as a man through a virgin; that He died and resurrected and that the way to heaven is through belief in and acceptance of Jesus and what He did for us. If any of these beliefs are other than described, then it is NOT Christianity.

The first significant difference to mention between Christianity and other "religions" is that in all the other beliefs, humans are responsible for their arrival in heaven or nirvana or whatever the "place of peace" may be called. According to most other popular religions, only if humans do the "right things" or "try hard enough" or "do enough good things", can they enter heaven upon death. From what I researched, most of these other beliefs do not even signify that the person on whom their religion is founded is the one who determines their entry. Who is the one to judge whether they are good enough, or have done enough good things? Christianity still requires action from the individual; however, it is not subjective. God asks us to believe and accept Jesus and His sacrifice for us and to let Jesus have charge of our life, then we can go to heaven with Them. God is the one that determines if we have done that and it is not subjective, it is objective. Believe and accept or not; very cut and dry.

To further describe the sacrifice of Jesus for us, it was much more than just dying on a cross. Realistically none of us are worthy of communing in Heaven with God because God cannot tolerate sin and we are all sinners. If there had been no Jesus, or He had not become our sacrifice, ALL humans would spend eternity in Hell because we ALL sin (do bad things) and sin cannot be in God's presence. God knew that there was really nothing that WE could do to get rid of our sinfulness, so He sent Jesus. God's ultimate goal for Jesus was to experience OUR punishment of Hell instead of us. When Jesus was on the cross, Jesus BECAME our sin (our bad things) according to 2 Corinthians 5:21. He spent time in Hell and took the keys of our jail cell from Satan so that we won't have a room there. All God asks in return is acknowledgement and belief that Jesus did this and a willingness to allow Jesus to lead us in life. If we do that, our key is thrown away. If we don't do that, Jesus returns our key to Satan.

The second significant difference between Christianity and other "religions" is Resurrection. No other leader has resurrected anyone nor has been resurrected themselves. The Bible mentions several stories about resurrection. Most were in relation to Jesus. Either he performed the resurrection or was resurrected Himself. In Luke 7 we read of Jesus bringing back to life the son of a widow. In Luke 8, Jesus resurrects or brings back to life the daughter of Jairus. The third resurrection performed by Jesus was that of Lazarus, his friend. To the Israelites, only God had the power to resurrect and by performing these three resurrections, Jesus was proving that He was God. The next resurrection recorded is that of Jesus Himself. On the third day of His death, Jesus came back to life. Matthew 27:51-53 tells us also that when Jesus was resurrected, many others were as well.

"Matthew 27:51-52 The Voice (VOICE)
At that instant, the temple curtain was torn in half, from top to bottom. The earth shook; rocks split in two; tombs burst open, and bodies of many sleeping holy women and men were raised up. After Jesus’ resurrection, they came out of their tombs, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and showed themselves to people."

This verse also describes the temple curtain being torn in half. The temple curtain was used to separate the "commoners" from the area of the "presence of God". Once that curtain was torn in half, the "commoners" had immediate direct access to God and no longer had to go through a mediary like a priest. In comparison to the other popular world "religions", no other leader came back to life after dying! That is what makes Christianity different. Jesus came back to life and is still alive in Heaven waiting for us. The other religions follow their leaders' teachings long after they are dead, but Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus, Who has come back to life and is still living. Because Jesus died once and came back to life, so can we. Whether pr not we acknowledge and belief in Jesus sacrifice and let Jesus be in charge of our life will determine whether we live eternally in Heaven or Hell.

Monday, April 6, 2020

God Speaks Through Holy Week.

This week begins what is commonly called "Holy Week". It is during this time that more specific details of Jesus' life and death are traditionally given throughout the week. As Christians we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus year-round, but it takes on deeper meaning during Holy Week as we begin to think about the details. If you have never watched The Passion by Mel Gibson, I encourage you to do so this week. It is a powerful testament of what Jesus went through during His final week. I will warn you that it is graphic! Another thing I encourage you to do this week is read through the whole "easter story". The book of John, beginning in chapter 17, goes through most of the happenings I've described below. If you don't have a bible, check out I prefer the version known as The Voice, but Bible Gateway has several versions available to read.

Let's take a stroll through Holy Week. It begins with Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the Sunday just before Easter Sunday. In the time frame leading up to what we celebrate as Palm Sunday, Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead and a few days later had gone to eat at their house. Here Lazarus' sister Mary began to poor expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus. Judas chastises her, but Jesus tells them to leave her alone as she is doing that in preparation of his burial. Of course, this confuses them. Crowds in town have heard that Jesus is in town and they gather palm branches to wave at Him upon His arrival. Jesus had sent disciples to gather a donkey on which he rode into town with people waving the branches in celebration of Jesus. The crowd knew that Jesus had performed miracles and that Jesus had come in the name of the Lord. They thought that Jesus would raise up an army and fight to takeover the Roman rule. All of this hype for Jesus further infuriated the Scribes and Pharisees and they decided that something must be done to squelch Jesus.

For the next few days of the week, Jesus' enemies try to come up with ways to dispose of Jesus that won't cause riots or major backlash to them. The Passover Festival will begin in a couple days and Jesus and the disciples prepare for this time of Jewish celebration, remembering the exodus of their ancestors from Egypt. Before the Festival begins, Jesus sends Peter and John into Jerusalem to find and follow a man carrying a jug of water. Once this man entered his house, Peter and John were to ask him where was the guest room that Jesus could have Passover with his disciples. Peter and John did as they were told and it all came about just as Jesus said.

Maundy Thursday is the part of Holy Week many Christians celebrate in remembrance of this last Passover meal between Jesus and His disciples. This is often referred to as the Last Supper. It is here that Jesus shares in the first Communion with his disciples and where the Communion ritual comes from. It was here also that Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and showed them that He was a servant and not a king. During supper, Jesus tells his betrayer to go and do what he must do! What follows is time spent in the garden in prayer. Jesus is so overcome with the thought of the emotional turmoil He will endure that He sweats drops of blood. Judas and others come to the garden where Jesus is praying and they arrest Him and take Him away. Throughout the night Jesus is taken before high priests and even Pilate himself. Since Jesus has not responded the way the crowds thought He should they turn against Him. Many of the same people that waved palms in celebration of the King several days ago now determine that He should die. We don't really know if it was day or night by the time Pilate gives people the choice of releasing Jesus or Barabbas. Because Jesus did not meet their expectations and raise up an army to overthrow the Romans, the people determine that He is a fraud and that He should be crucified.

Good Friday comes in somewhere amidst the trial by Pilate and condemnation of crucifixion. Once the people make their decision, Jesus is handed over to be fiercely beaten and crucified. He is mocked, insulted, and humiliated by being forced to carry His own instrument of death. After reaching the hill upon which He would be crucified, the soldiers will lay Jesus on the cross and pound long, thick nails through His wrists and ankles. He is offered vinegar as a way of refreshing His thirst. During this time Jesus has a conversation with one of the guilty men being crucified next to Him, the One not guilty. The thief shows such faith in Jesus that Jesus declares He will take Him to heaven with Him when they die. As a storm approaches, the soldiers want a guarantee of death from these "criminals" and begin to break the legs of the two guilty men. This makes it more difficult for them to breathe and they begin to suffocate. By now Jesus already appears dead, so they pierce His side with a sword to make sure. (There are many other details I could include here, but trying to be brief). Following His death, His disciples take Him down and bury Him in a borrowed tomb.

Easter Sunday marks the most celebrated day in the Christian year. It is on this day that the women go to visit the tomb and put herbs on Jesus body and they discover that the stone is no longer in front of the tomb. As they go closer they notice that the body of Jesus is not there. The women run back to tell the disciples what they have seen. Some of the disciples also run to the tomb and find that the body of Jesus is not there. Jesus later appears to two men walking on the road. He speaks with them and shares scriptures with them and as He prays before dinner, the eyes of these two men are opened so that they actually see Who He is and then He disappears. They come to realize that Jesus truly has been resurrected!! Later He appears to His disciples and they too see that He has risen!

Be sure to catch my next blog post when I dig a little deeper into the death and resurrection of Jesus and what that means for us!