Kari Farnell |
We all know that God can speak through Scriptures as we read
them, but God speaks through Scriptures we have memorized as well. God wants us
to speak back to him through prayer and thanksgiving. I am going to relate a
story that shows this idea.
On a bright May morning in 1993, I underwent a scheduled
c-section to deliver my 10lb. 14 oz. baby boy. I am a Type 1 diabetic and this
was my second baby. Having given birth to his sister through an emergency
c-section and with him weighing in at a suspected 8+ lbs at 35 ½ weeks, the
doctors had convinced me to undergo another c-section. Because I had requested to be fully under for
the c-section, my husband watched through the surgery door. Time was of the
essence because I had been given anesthesia to put me to sleep and the longer
it took to get the baby out, the more anesthesia he would have in his system as
well. Once the opening was made, the baby ended up being so large that he got stuck
coming out. Once he was born, his initial APGAR score was 4; however, his
second APGAR reading was 8, so all seemed well.
always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father. Ephesians 5:20
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Kari Farnell |
At that time (and perhaps still), diabetics were not
typically allowed to go past 35-36 weeks before giving birth due to complications
that could arise. Earlier in my pregnancy, one of the doctors decided to change
my due date and make it a week later than the original date. In my gut, I felt
this was an issue, but wasn’t going to doubt the doctor. As it turns out, I was
right to have thought it an issue. Shortly after my son’s birth, someone
overheard one of the doctors state that my placenta had already started to
deteriorate and my son may not have survived another day in the womb.
Again all seemed well despite the prior
problems and issues, until his 4th day. It was on the 4th
day, while still at the hospital, his doctor came in and said, “Well, you must
know if I’m here, it’s not good news.” The doctor then began to explain that my
son had suddenly become septic and was having difficulty sustaining his
breathing. They had tried many things that were not working and they were going
to have to fly him to Baltimore. I was devastated, but the first thing to enter
my mind was in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Scripture, which I had heard many times before, was an immediate thought
(almost an audible voice) and a definite word from God. My mind vacillated between
this verse, and thinking “this can’t be happening”. I immediately phoned
everyone I could think of and got everyone involved in praying. Meanwhile, I
sat there THANKING God for the 4 days I had had with my son; for the doctors
and nurses; for the situation; and for anything else that came to mind.
shorten a long story, I will just say that everything did turn out well. My son
came home after 2 weeks in the NICU in Baltimore and has had no related issues
since. I thank God for that whole experience. I thank God for friends and family that prayed. I thank God for all of my family that are whole and healthy. I thank God in the bad times as well, because that is what we are commanded to do. It is not easy, but it is important. It helps to take our focus off of what WE can do and put it onto what GOD can do.
God speaks to us in many ways, but sometimes and in some circumstances, he wants us to speak back. He is waiting to hear from us in prayer and through thankfulness for ALL circumstances. Take this Thanksgiving holiday to speak back to God and thank HIm
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Nick Dykeman |