
Monday, March 16, 2020

God Speaks in the Midst of Pandemic

Pandemic! The word even sounds bad, and it seems it must always come with an exclamation point.  It's interesting that the word panic is intertwined in the word pandemic. Throughout history there has always been times of panic. I'd venture to say even in each generation or each decade there has been a time of panic. Because of this the Bible is ripe with verses of comfort, peace, and hope in times of trouble. With all that is happening in the world right now, it is prudent to look at some of these verses.

1.  Exodus 14:13a --"Don’t be afraid! Stand your ground and witness how the Eternal will rescue you today." 
In this instance, the Israelites were fleeing from Pharoah and had arrived at the Red Sea. Despite all that God had done for them to that point, they let their faith drop. They began to complain to Moses and announce that dying in Egypt would have been better than dying in the desert. Moses then gives the command above. Don't be afraid, stand your ground and see what God will do to rescue you. Following this God instructs Moses to reach out his staff over the sea. The waters part and the Israelites can walk through dry land. When the Egyptians try the same, the waters close in and drown them. Despite their fear, the Israelites were able to witness God's hand of protection over them.

2.  Psalm 46:1--"God is our shelter and our strength. When troubles seem near, God is nearer, and He’s ready to help. So why run and hide?"
Psalm 46 is full of praise for several instances of God's protection and the knowledge that through God the nation can be "sure and fearless". I like verses 2 and 3 as well. They state, "No fear, no pacing, no biting fingernails. When the earth spins out of control, we are sure and fearless. When mountains crumble and the waters run wild, we are sure and fearless.
Even in heavy winds and huge waves, or as mountains shake, we are sure and fearless." The whole of Psalm 46 is similar and is a good read for this day and time.

3.  Isaiah 40:31--"But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run—never winded, never weary. They will walk—never tired, never faint."
If we feel weary and run down with all of the reports of coronavirus, remember to trust in God and regain our strength. Give our concerns to God and He will calm us so that we can soar.

4.  Psalm 62:8--"Have faith in Him in all circumstances, dear people. Open up your heart to Him; the True God shelters us in His arms."
The key word in this verse is ALL. Have faith in ALL circumstances. God will shelter us! This verse reminds me of another verse that I've shared in another post. 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks to God no matter what (or in ALL) circumstances you find yourself in." Have faith in God and thank Him for any and all circumstances. It is contrary to human nature to believe God will overcome bad and to thank Him for the bad times, but that is what the Bible tells us to do.

5. Isaiah 41:10--"So don’t be afraid. I am here, with you; don’t be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you, help you. I am here with My right hand to make right and to hold you up."
God is always with us. Not much more commentary needed on this verse. Israelites are concerned over the upcoming battles they sense about to take place, but God lets them know that He is there and will strengthen and help them.

6.  Philippians 4:6-7--"Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One."
Don't be anxious about things, but pray. Prayer is the key. Prayer for health, understanding, peace, leaders, those making decisions, doctors, nurses, etc. Talk to God about concerns and problems rather than become upset by them. Just tell God, He is waiting to hear from us!

7.  Deuteronomy 31:6--"Be strong and brave, and don’t tremble in fear of them, because the Eternal your God is going with you. He’ll never fail you or abandon you!"
The setting behind this verse is when the Israelites had finally reached the promised land and Moses was handing leadership over to Joshua. He was reminding the people of all that God had done to get the nation to that point and encouraged them that God would continue with them and would never fail them.

8.  John 14:1--"Don’t get lost in despair; believe in God, and keep on believing in Me."

9.  John 14:27--"My peace is the legacy I leave to you. I don’t give gifts like those of this world. Do not let your heart be troubled or fearful."
This chapter of John is one of the last full conversations Jesus has with his followers. He describes to them things that were going to happen and prepares them for life without Him. It is customary for someone to give gifts when they leave and Jesus too gives a gift, although, not a typical gift. Verse 27 above shows that he leaves the followers peace. Peace in all circumstances, so they shouldn't be fearful with was to come.

We see many different instances in which the Biblical people would have fear or anxiousness about things happening in their lives. Our circumstances in this day are no different. There is still a large concern. It may not be the same concern, but still a large concern to many. God tells us to not live in fear, to pray, and to trust and see what He will do in these present circumstances. While we can be cautious, we should not let fear rule our lives. If we feel overwhelmed by our fears, thoughts, and concerns, we should just ask God. We should turn to Him in prayer for peace and wisdom, but not let that fear rule us!

There is a great song from Zach Williams about fear. While the reasons for fear in the song may not be the same as the circumstances we have today, the message is still the same. Find Zach Williams song here and another here. May God grant you peace!

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