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Proverbs 7:23--"Like a bird flying straight into a net.
He had no clue his life was at stake; everything was about to change."
Take, for instance, our recent and on-going COVID-19 outbreak. Most of us were pushed into a sudden and abrupt change. A change in our day-to-day life; a change in our jobs; a change in our finances. For many of us what had been our typical daily routine was no more. This was quite a difficult change as we all had to not only learn a new daily routine, but many of us had to learn how to make due with less food for our families and less money for our bills. Many parents have had to learn how to teach their children and children have had to learn from their parents or grandparents. Teachers had to change how they were teaching and students had to change their mindset of learning. As we all begin to settle into our "new" routine, change will come again.
Change as the result of a family death, or marriage break-up are difficult as well. These changes last a little longer than our COVID-19 event. During these changes, there really is no going back to what was normal. For these changes, a new routine and a new way of thinking is required and is often difficult to establish.
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A new marriage or a new baby can result in good change and yet it is still change. There is still a new routine to establish and new ways of thinking. Sometimes this new change can bring a few hardships with it...babies that don't sleep at night, exhausted parents, couples whose personalities clash. These hardships will at some point....change!
Isaiah 14:26--"Because I, God of earth and heaven,
have devised a plan for the whole earth;
I have reached out and am ready to effect change among the nations."
If there is one thing that is constant in this world, it is change! In fact, God calls upon each of us to change. We are born into a messed up world with a mindset of doing wrong things. That is just human nature. We are born sinful (with the propensity to do bad things). This doesn't necessarily mean killing people or stealing, but none of us can say we have never done something wrong since birth . That is sin...doing something wrong! The way that God provides for our change is through His Son, Jesus. If we believe that He took our eternal punishment and ask Him to be in charge of our lives, we will be changed.
Mark 1:15--"It’s time! The kingdom of God is near! Seek forgiveness, change your actions, and believe this good news!"
Nehemiah 1:9--"but if you have a change of heart and return to Me and walk according to My commands, then no matter how far you have gone, even to the places beyond the horizon, I will gather you and bring you to the place of My choosing, where My very name dwells.”
God asks us to change, but knows that we are born with that tendency to do bad things and that we can't alter the bad things that happen to us. He knows that we will need help. Who better to help us than God, Who created us and Who knows all about us? The other thing about God and change is that He doesn't. God Does Not Change. He has been the same God with the same character since the beginning of time. His expectations do not change; His thoughts do not change; His plans for us have never changed; and His love does not change!
Hebrews 13:8--"Jesus the Anointed One is always the same: yesterday, today, and forever."
Malachi 3:6a--"Because I am the Eternal One, I never change..."
Change is a part of life. Sometimes good; sometimes bad. No matter the amount and type of change in our lives, isn't it wonderful to know that God is constant?
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