FREEDOM! This is a controversial word in this day. Our country was founded on the ideals of freedom. There are several dictionary definitions of freedom. One definition is "absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government". This is the meaning upon which our country was founded. The Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and later the Constitution all have this meaning of freedom in their substance...the intent of not being ruled by a despotic government.
Years after the founding of our country, another definition of freedom was finally realized. This definition is "the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved". With President Abraham Lincoln's signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, slavery in this country was outlawed. Although it took several years after its signing before ALL slaves were freed and although many of those old opinions still run rampant in some areas, the truth of no longer being bound is real.
A third definition has also been a hot topic lately. That definition is "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." Although this freedom was recognized at the writing of our constitution, questions have always arisen about the exact meaning or interpretation of this phrase. As the country has modernized over the nearly 250 years since it declared independence and with the advent of internet and social media, this definition and meaning continues to get more muddy and muddled.
Galatians 5:13--"Brothers and sisters, God has called you to freedom! Hear
the call, and do not spoil this gift by using your
liberty to engage in what your flesh desires; instead, use it to serve each
other as Jesus taught through love."
1 Peter 2:16--"Live as those who are free and not as those who use
their freedom as a pretext for evil, but live as God’s
The dictionary is not the only book to give a meaning of freedom. The Bible gives warning about some of these "Freedoms" but also gives a definition as well. It talks about freedom from sin. If you've read my blogs before, you will recognize that sin is basically "doing bad things". ALL human beings are born with this capacity. We are all born with the nature to do bad things. Some people seem to do more bad things than others, but that does not matter. In the eyes of God, we are all guilty because we ALL do bad things. God has never put a tally on the number of bad things or the amount of "badness" that they consist of...He has just said that ALL sin (do bad things). Even though God's goal for each of us is fellowship together forever with Him, people who "do bad things" are not allowed into Heaven without proper punishment. This does not include any punishments here on earth; they would need proper "Heavenly" punishment to dispel all of our bad things. God knew that we as humans could never really handle the proper punishment needed to get rid of our "bad things". He knew that it would take Someone with the same power He has and He sent Jesus, His Son, as our replacement. Jesus, not only suffered a horrendous human death, but also experienced the extreme punishment that was intended for each of us in order to cover our "bad things" and allow us into Heaven. Such a gift of Freedom this world has never seen! All that God asks in return is that we believe in Him, in what Jesus did for us, and seek God and His wisdom in all that we do.
This is the ultimate sense of be unchained from "Heavenly" punishment for the "bad things" we do and to be able to freely fellowship with God forever.
John 8:34--"Jesus: I tell you the truth: everyone who
commits sin surrenders his freedom to sin. He is a slave
to sin’s power."
Luke 1:77--"So that the Lord’s people will receive knowledge of
their freedom through the forgiveness of their sins."
Acts 2:21--"And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be
liberated into God’s freedom and peace."
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