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Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash |
When Noah was in the ark and the waters had started to receded, Noah sent out a raven and later a dove to determine when to leave the safety of the ark. Once the birds did not return, Noah knew it was time to disembark. In the book of Exodus, we read about the plagues that were sent upon Egypt in an effort to get the pharaoh to release the Israelite slaves. Through the devastation of infestation, as well as, the death of much livestock (among other things), the pharaoh finally relented and freed the Israelites. The prophet Elijah was the recipient of the influence of animals. God sent Elijah to confront King Ahab and Queen Jezebel with a prophecy. God was going to put the land into a drought. He told Elijah to go east and Elijah was supplied water by a brook and God directed ravens to bring food to Elijah. Consider further Daniel in the lion's den. Here God used the animals to "speak" to King Nebuchadnezzar. Because Daniel was faithful and refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar, God caused the lions to leave Daniel alone when he was thrown into the den thus proving Who should be bowed down to. When Jesus entered Jerusalem in Palm Sunday, God had provided a young donkey to carry Jesus into the city. These stories show that God can and will use anything and anyone to His glory. He can use circumstances, other people, and even animals to speak to us and to show us His will.
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Photo by Gary Whyte from Pexels |
Animals being used by God is not too uncommon, but perhaps these next two circumstances show uncommon ways that God uses animals. This first occurrence was mentioned in an earlier blog post. In that post I had written about how even nature will cry out to and praise God. In the following video, Louie Giglio has recorded the sounds from pulsars that are made by stars and planets and put them together with whales singing. Once it is put together, it is possible to hear the song "How Great is our God" being performed. (Find his video here)
The last occurrence of God speaking using animals is a time when God literally spoke through a donkey. In Numbers 22, we read about the prophet Balaam who has been called upon by the Moab king to curse a nation that he is afraid will take over his land. Three times King Balak asks Balaam to come and curse the enemy nation. Each time, Balaam asks God what he should do and the first two times God tells him not to go. By the third time, I can imagine God is a little peeved with Balaam for asking a third time. God has already told him what to do twice and yet he continues to ask. So the third time, God tells him to go to King Balak. If you are a parent, I'm sure you can relate to this type of situation...a child who continues to badger you about something and finally out of frustration you give in, but with anger..."OK, FINE, DO IT!" I imagine this is how God is feeling about now.
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Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash |
The Bible tell us that even though He tells Balaam to go, he is angry at Balaam for going. In fact, He sends a messenger to block Balaam's way with intent to kill Balaam. Although Balaam can't see this sword-carrying messenger, his donkey can. Three times Balaam beats the donkey for stopping on the road and refusing to go. Finally the donkey actually speaks to Balaam and says, "What have I ever done to you that you beat me three times?" About this time, Balaam's eyes were opened and he sees the sword-wielding messenger ready to kill him. Balaam finally puts two and two together and Balaam repents. Spoiler alert: The story ends with Balaam returning to his home having given the enemy of King Balak a blessing rather than a curse because they are the Israelites.
I can't imagine how I would have reacted had an animal turned around and spoken to me. I think it is obvious to say that God will get our attention no matter what it takes. The next time you encounter a talking animal, please take heed. It may have a very important, life-changing message for you!
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